Poker Room
Our exciting poker room offers many amenities. Games include Limit Hold 'Em, No Limit Hold'Em, and Omaha High/Low. Be sure to present your PENN Play card to earn comps and special offers.
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RunGood Poker series
april 1-6
The RunGood Poker Series returns to Hollywood Casino St. Louis with a new theme, new rings, a new Tag Team Ring Event, a Ladies Missouri State Championship Event, and an online ring event on Sunday, April 6 at 3pm on ClubWPT Gold!
For the most up-to-date information, check out theMission RunGood Facebook event page.
$89 Midweek Rate (Sunday-Thursday)
$119 Weekend Rate (Friday & Saturday)
Keeping You Up-To-Date
Poker Updates
Hours: Sunday-Thursday: 8am-3am | Friday & Saturday: 24 hours (may vary based on demand)
- Our Poker Room features 20 tables and a dedicated cashier for poker players
- We offer various limits of Limit and No Limit Texas Hold’em as well as multiple Omaha Variants based on player interest.
- Bad Beat jackpots are available in most Texas Hold’em and Omaha Games
- Special Hand Jackpots are available including: Quads Cracked, Mini Bad Beat and Made Hands
- The High Hand of the Hour is available on select days, call the poker room for more details
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Tournament Calendar
We have daily tournaments in different styles, including No Limit Hold’Em, Bounty, Double Stack, Mega Stack, Double Bounty, Mini Mega Stack, X-Stack, Monster X-Stack., 2K Maker, 3K Maker and extended. See calendar for our current line-up of tournaments.
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march Promotions
- Play 5 hours of Live poker in a single gaming day and receive a $15 food voucher
- $1,000 added to the Bad Beat every Monday
- $200 added to the Mini Bad Beat every Monday
- $200 High Hands hourly from 10am-12pm, 3pm-6pm and 8pm-10pm Monday - Thursday, and 6pm-10pm on Sunday*
*Not valid during special events
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St. Louis Poker room
Our market-leading Poker Room features 20 poker tables with exciting action, personalized service and the following amenities.
- Non-Smoking
- Free Wi-Fi
- USB Ports on Tables
For more information, call us at 314-770-7600.
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Featured Games
- No-Limit Texas Hold'Em (1-2, 2-5, 5-10)
- Limit Texas Hold'Em (3-6 to 20-40)
- 4/8 Omaha High Low with Half Kill
- $2-$5 6-Max No Limit Texas Hold’Em
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